We design Harvest Machines
We design machines for harvesting fragile crops (e.g., berries, cannabis, flowers).
We are at the prototype stage.
The first products will truly disrupt the harvest workflow of the cannabis plant, and precisely the de-budding process.
The de-budding alone makes up to 40% of the cannabis harvest workflow. As the term suggests, de-budding consists of removing the bud or the flower from the stem. It is a crucial stage of the harvest that determines much of the quality of the end-product; indeed, the most valuable part of the plant–the flower– is picked. Currently, the method that yields the best quality of the end-product is manual work requiring hands, gloves, and scissors.
De-budding machines exist but they damage the buds; these machines use a stripping mechanism to detach the flower from the stem which is rough on this sensitive and peculiar flower. The lack of machinery for de-budding is an immense gap in the market.
Our Olympic team at Ggrey spotted many gaps in the cannabis harvest workflow, the de-budding is only one of the biggest. In order to fill these gaps, we use adapted inventive technology to develop new principles of function. For the first products, we are combining sensor fusion, coding, and mechanical design, to match the quality of the manual harvest, increase the reliability of the process, and enhance labor conditions.
Every solution follows a holistic design of the harvest workflow. We think our machines, tools, processes, and people as a whole–thoroughly in terms of mechanics, space, and ergonomics. In doing so, we spot one gap after the other. By filling one, others come to light and whole new workflows emerge.
This high level of solutions is what makes our customers think “This is it!”.